
About Ghostcasting

Not quite ready to commit your story to print? No idea how or not enough confidence to express it in a podcast? Do you prefer the spoken word over the written one?
Welcome to a brand new concept – half way between the two.

To hear ghostcasting in action search for Truth of Lies and The Rathband Tapes wherever you get your podcasts.

  1. It Is Still All About The Words Tony’s background is broadcasting – over four decades at the top of challenging speech radio. Before that he graduated in Modern Languages. Words are his game. In whatever capacity.
  2. A Good Story Is A Good Story! Some people make an approach about a book and for whatever reason, from budget to scheduling, that book does not happen. It doesn’t lose its worth however much time passes. It still deserves an audience. In 2022, along came an alternative to the written word! We call it ghostcasting.
  3.  What Is Ghostcasting? Ghostcasting is an audio narration of your story. It is a one-voice audio book; nor is it an interview. It comprises of a series of podcasts (usually between 10 and 15 for a series at an hour’s length for each) where Tony’s experiences holds your hand through the telling of your story in conversation.
  4. Why Ghostcast? The advantages to this approach are clear: your story will definitely get out there; this method, through requiring about ten hours editing per actual hour of podcast, can be delivered much quicker than a book; and in your own words people can gauge your tone as it is your own voice and this, of course, is a key ingredient to any storytelling.
  5. The Power Of The Edit For some people, this is actually a safer, more comfortable option of putting their soul on the line. It is not live, it can be done again, and will benefit from editing.