Manuscript Appraisal

Manuscript Appraisal


The smart thing to do is to take a second opinion. You can’t see everything. Even the greatest books can be improved. There also comes a point where you have to sign off the project. Make hiring an editor a priority.

Please remember that Manuscript Appraisal means working with you and for you, and not against you. Tony will take the same care as if it were his own work. We are all on the same side.

  1. Have you Finished? You’ve worked hard and often alone for a long period of time, and you think you are ready to submit to a publisher or agent or move straight to self-publishing.
  2. Are You Sure Your Book Is Ready? You think you have eradicated every possible error.
  3. Fresh Eyes Enhance Most books go to print with some mistakes in them. Readers forgive that. Fresh eyes reduce that factor and also spot things you can no longer see because you have read the manuscript so many times that the mind plays tricks.
  4. Take A Second Opinion You will be amazed how often you repeat ideas and the same vocabulary. It is never too late for last minute changes, until it is out there and then it is out there forever!
  5. Plan Ahead Most people use this feature at the very last minute – as in days before publication or submission. The Weekend Express Service delivers at speed which is £999. Send your manuscript by midnight UK time on Thursday, receive it back in your inbox by 1000 UK time Monday morning. Standard Service is £499 and allow Tony 28 days with your manuscript. Much better: Give yourself a month and pay less. Time away from the manuscript is as important as time spent with it.