Book Proposals

Book Proposals

Maybe you can write your own book, but you don’t understand what happens next. You will need a book proposal to submit to an agent or a publisher direct. This is your pitch and you need to stand out from the crowd.

The people you are making your pitch to receive hundreds or thousands of these per year. You need to be different. A casual, hopeful offering won’t do.

Book proposals are not cheap. If you do your research, you will see that in America, they are particularly common and the fee is upward of $10,000.

Is it write to charge that sum? The answer to that question is that every book is different and therefore so is every pitch, so the fee is determined by the task. That is only fair to you.

To put your mind at rest, it will be less than $10,000 though!

What does a book proposal contain in the modern era?

  1. Your short bio.
  2. Your photo.
  3. Your synopsis.
  4. Your first three chapters completed.
  5. A short personal video that shows you as welcoming, engaging and allows you to connect personably in a way print or email can not.

Then, one to one advice on who you should be targeting.

If this is exactly what you are looking for, rather than a ghostwriter per se, then feel free to get in touch. It could be the most important decision you make in this process!